Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Writing][Lesson]Task 1 - BAR GRAPH (cont) 17/7/12

BAR GRAPH (cont.)

Expressions of time

  1. Point of time: at, since, when, in, before, after, whereas = while, till, until, by, in the early 20th century (1900s), Early teens (11 -12 tuổi), Late teens (18,19 tuoi) = early twenties
  2. Duration: for, during the period of, from...to..., in(over) the period of, in the interval of..., between...and...,

    • 1900s = nineteen hundreds (British - IELTS)
    • 1900 pounds = nineteen hundred pounds
    • hundreds of N = many N

Useful expression
  • in comparison with, compared with
  • in contrast, on the contrary, contrarily
  • On the other hand
  • In other words
  • peak at, reach the peak of(đạt tới đỉnh)
  • similarly, likewise, also
  • approximately, nearly, merely, almost  >< over/beyond
  • under/below
  • just

Synonyms (used for the exercise below)

people = individual,citizen, resident, person, human beings, humans
consume = use, utilise, burn, absorb= physically take in a liquid
drive car, run

****Be careful: “colour”, “behaviour”, “honour”...must be utilised in place of “color”, “behavior”, “honor”...
Subway (AmE) = Underground (BrE)
Baggage (AmE) = luggage (BrE)

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