Friday, August 3, 2012

[Writing][Exercise] Bar Graph (cont)

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

* You should write at least 150 words.

* You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The answers were corrected at link

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Writing][Lesson]Task 1 - BAR GRAPH (cont) 17/7/12

BAR GRAPH (cont.)

Expressions of time

  1. Point of time: at, since, when, in, before, after, whereas = while, till, until, by, in the early 20th century (1900s), Early teens (11 -12 tuổi), Late teens (18,19 tuoi) = early twenties
  2. Duration: for, during the period of,, in(over) the period of, in the interval of..., between...and...,

    • 1900s = nineteen hundreds (British - IELTS)
    • 1900 pounds = nineteen hundred pounds
    • hundreds of N = many N

Useful expression
  • in comparison with, compared with
  • in contrast, on the contrary, contrarily
  • On the other hand
  • In other words
  • peak at, reach the peak of(đạt tới đỉnh)
  • similarly, likewise, also
  • approximately, nearly, merely, almost  >< over/beyond
  • under/below
  • just

Synonyms (used for the exercise below)

people = individual,citizen, resident, person, human beings, humans
consume = use, utilise, burn, absorb= physically take in a liquid
drive car, run

****Be careful: “colour”, “behaviour”, “honour”...must be utilised in place of “color”, “behavior”, “honor”...
Subway (AmE) = Underground (BrE)
Baggage (AmE) = luggage (BrE)

[Writing][Lesson] Task 1 - BAR GRAPH (13/7/12)


1. Introduction
This bar graph shows/represents/ demonstrates/illustrates/ indicates/depicts/displays/ points out/clarifies...

2. Body
Data comparison phrases

  • Comparative: (more)...than, twice/three much/many as, fewer/less...than
  • Superlative: the most
Words illustrating tendencies

  • propensity/trend/tendency/
  • growth/development/
  • increase/develop/jump/go up/grow/raise/rise/lift up /rocket /double /triple /advance /augment /amplify /soar /boost /level up/climb

  • expand/extend/enlarge/widen/broaden/stretch/spread
  • decline/decrease/go down/slump/sink/plunge/fall/drop/reduce/cut down/lessen/diminish/ level down/plummet
  • equal/keep on/level off/stay the same/remain (steady, stable)/plateau
  • dramatically/considerably/increasingly//significantly/greatly/extensively/substantially/ strongly/ firmly/suddenly
  • gradually/moderately/fairly/steadily/constantly
  • slightly/somewhat/marginally
  • difference/discrepancy/gap/disparity
Useful expressions

  • To be specific/ Specifically/ To be more detailed/Particularly/in particular(cụ thể là) Firstly/
  • Transitional words: moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, after that, besides, more notably,finally, eventually, however, nevertheless, nonetheless.
  • To sum up, briefly, in conclusion, in a nutshell, in brief, in sum, all in all, all things considered...

  • Using FANBOYS = For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Using either slang or ambiguous words
  • Expressing your own opinion on the numbers
  • Listing all of the information given (if not necessary)
Successful keys

  • Short and simple
  • Clear format
  • Integrate information but not mess up ideas
  • Select features and words carefully

3. Conclusion
1 short sentence summarising what has been described. If it repeats the introduction, remember to paraphrase it by using synonyms or other syntaxes.

Further information on marking criteria:
IELTS task 1 writing requires candidates to fulfill these 4 big standards:

  • Task achievement: how well you have understood the diagram.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: how clear your summary is and how flexible you are in using linking as well as reference words.
  • Lexical resource: Vocabulary used and their spelling.
  • Grammatical range and Accuracy: whether a wide range of sentence types are used.

Hence, after the deadline, please observe at least 2 other pieces and post comments on such things following:

  • Task achievement: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Coherence and cohesion: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Lexical resource: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Grammatical range and Accuracy: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied

Now, tips for assessing other writings:

  • Skim all the sentences and then note the ones that you do not understand. => this will help us write understandable sentences.
  • Count synonyms, antonyms and structures used (if possible) => it enhances our ability in making an interesting posts without any repetition.
  • Most notably, after reading, are you really able to draw the diagram described? => if the answer is yes, that piece succeeds in the content.