Tuesday, October 29, 2013

[Writing]Being Indirect and Polite

a.    An email to a colleague who is a member of your team. Tell them that the market report they wrote arrived late, is difficult to understand, and does not contain the information that you need.

7 Oct 2013
Re: Market report

Hello Nam

Thanks for your market report but it’s a little bit later than I expected. As planned, the report should reach me on 4 Oct 2013

Besides, I need to tell you that this report is quite difficult to understand and missing some needed information such as analyzing about market share, revenue, and competitors.

Please re-check and send me the updated one which includes above information by the end of day.


b.    And email to a colleague asking for a favor. You are abroad and need some information from your office. You want them to find it and send it to you
7 Oct 2013
Need help about DLC upload tool

Hello Khang,

Hope you are doing well.
I’m in Lao for business trip and I’m working on World at arms (WAA) Games to add new features for its new version. But unlucky, when I tried to upload the DLC package into database I was forbidden because my account has not been authorized.

As I know you are predecessor of WAA, and you have a lot experience about DLC uploading process. Can you share me some information about DLC upload such as:
  •                Who can it contact to ask for uploading permission?
  •                The steps to upload in gold server.
  •              And I heard that there are some dangerous if I make mistakes while uploading. Can          you please share me what things I need to be careful to avoid mistakes?

Thanks and looking forward your reply soon,
c.    An email to an important customer. Tell them that their latest order is going to be shipped later than usual, and they made a mistake in their last invoice to you.
7 Oct 2013
Re: Order No333 – Shipment late

Dear Mohamed,

I’m writing with regard to Order No333.
I’m still waiting for the above order but it seems it is going to be shipped later than usual.

In addition, there is an issue is found in the last invoice – The name of my company is missing letter “f”. It should be “Gameloft”

This is particularly inconvenient for me as I need the delivery by 10 Oct. I wonder if you could contact the forwarders to find out what happened and inform me immediately.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your sincerely,

Monday, October 28, 2013

[Writing]Negotiating a Project


You work for a large company that needs to employ a freelancer or small company for a specific job. Write to the freelancer/ Small company about the job.
Prepare the situation using the questions below. The information can be real or imaginary.

  • What is your company's business? What products/services do you offer?
  • What job or project needs a freelancer or small company? Ideas: an IT project; Auditing your books; some training for your staffs; a legal service; a design service.
  • Who are you going to write to?
  • How did you get their contact information? Ideas: the Internet; recommendation from a colleague.
  • What exactly do you want this freelancer/small company to do?
  • What do you need to know in terms of charges, availability etc.?
  • Do you have any specific questions to ask them about this Job/project. Ideas: Some specialist knowledge that they have.


From     : lan.huynhthi@gameloft.com
To         : chicken-company@cc.com
Subject : Need 3D artist Team

Dear Chicken's fellows,

I'm writing from Gameloft company and we are looking for a 3D artist team to out source Graphics part of our new game.
I have been introduced you by my colleague (Mr Duck) that you are working on 3D model with 3D max and unity Tool. As a result, I would like to invite you cooperate with us on new project.

What you will do:
- Build up 100 3D Models of Dragon based on our design. Dragon design will be sent after contract signed.
- Duration: 3 months, from 1 Nov 2013 to 31 January 2014

Terms of charges:
- The data package will be separated in 3 sub-packages (Detailed about each package will be included in Dragon Design) and End of each month, you need to provide us 1 sub-package.
-  Salary will be paid in 3 terms.

If you like to take on this challenge and be a part of our project, please send us your background and sample product.

Thanks a lot

Sunday, October 27, 2013

[Grammar]Maybe or May be

When you will use Maybe and when you will use may be?


  • Maybe = perhaps (Có thể)
  • may be = might be = is possibly (có khả năng)


  • Our boss was sick yesterday so he may be absent from work today. Maybe our meeting will be postponed until he comes back.
  • He may be creative or maybe he just crazy.

To be more detailed:


Maybe is an adverb that means perhaps.

  • Maybe it will stop raining soon. = Perhaps it will stop raining soon.
  • A: I thought Suzy would be here by now. B: Maybe she forgot.


May is a model verb which indicates possibility.

He may be lost = It is possible that he is lost.
This may be the best website = This is possibly the best website.

After may be we usually have and adjective, a noun or a verb (in ING form)

  • He may be crazy. (may be + adjective)
  • He may be a genius. (may be + article + noun)
  • He may be trying too hard (May be + verb ING form)

Remember that May is similar to Might.

  • He may be late = He might be late
  • Maybe you have a better explanation than this.