Sunday, October 27, 2013

[Grammar]Maybe or May be

When you will use Maybe and when you will use may be?


  • Maybe = perhaps (Có thể)
  • may be = might be = is possibly (có khả năng)


  • Our boss was sick yesterday so he may be absent from work today. Maybe our meeting will be postponed until he comes back.
  • He may be creative or maybe he just crazy.

To be more detailed:


Maybe is an adverb that means perhaps.

  • Maybe it will stop raining soon. = Perhaps it will stop raining soon.
  • A: I thought Suzy would be here by now. B: Maybe she forgot.


May is a model verb which indicates possibility.

He may be lost = It is possible that he is lost.
This may be the best website = This is possibly the best website.

After may be we usually have and adjective, a noun or a verb (in ING form)

  • He may be crazy. (may be + adjective)
  • He may be a genius. (may be + article + noun)
  • He may be trying too hard (May be + verb ING form)

Remember that May is similar to Might.

  • He may be late = He might be late
  • Maybe you have a better explanation than this.

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