Monday, October 21, 2013

[Writing] Business Email Exercise

Usage of common phrase in business email

Apologizing: We would like to offer our sincere apologies for our mistake.
Attachments: Please find the document attached
Clarifications: There several points we don't quite understand; we feel there may have been misunderstanding between us
Closing: We look forward to receiving your reply; Regards, Joe Blunt
Complaints: We are very surprised and disappointed by this.
Congratulations: We would like to congratulate you on your recent good news.
Meeting: Would Tuesday 26 October be convenient for you? ; Would it be possible to postpone the meeting until next week?
Openings: We are waiting to inquire about...; I am writing on behalf of...
Orders: Re oder no. XJ 8103; Goods shipped today
Payments: We have not yet received payment for order no.XJ 8103. Could you please attend to this matter as soon as possible.
Requests: We would be very grateful if you could send us your catalogue and current price list.
Suggestions: Another option would be to...
Thanks: We would just like to express our gratitude for all your help in this matter.

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