Monday, October 21, 2013

[Vocabulary] Phrasal Verbs with GET

Below we have a list of Phrasal verbs that begin with GET and then an explanation of each one with some examples

  • Get across
  • Get along
  • Get on with
  • Get around
  • Get at
  • Get away
  • Get Down
  • Get down to
  • Get over
  1. Get across
    • to communicate
    • to make someone understand something. (Especially if the details are too difficult to understand or if the person being explained to understands poorly).
      • Although I couldn't speak the language, I managed to get my meaning across when necessary.
      • Your meaning didn't really get across.
  2. Get along - Get on with (Get on is used more in Britain)
    • to have a good/friendly relationship with someone
      • Even though there are six of them sharing the house , they all get on well with each other.
      • He doesn't get along well with his mother-in-law
      • Our new boss is very easy to get on with.
  3. Get around
    • To become known. To spread or circulate. If news or information gets around, people tell other people, so that soon many people know about it.
      • It's a small place, so news and gossip get around pretty quickly.
      • The news of his arrest got around quickly.
      • New soon got around the Matthew was back in town.
    • To find a way of avoiding a difficult or unpleasant situation, so that you don't have to deal with it.
      • There is no way of getting around it - you are going to have to tell her the truth.
      • Isn't there any way getting around the regulations?
  4. Get at
    • To reach, to access to something.
      • The cupboard is to high for me to get at.
      • The report is locked in the cabinet and I can't get at them.
    • To suggest something indirectly, to imply. (used only in the continuous tense)
      • What exactly are you getting at? (= trying to say, suggest)
  5. Get away
    • To go way from someone or something
      • Get away from me!
      • Get away from that cake!
      • It's was so busy that Francisca could get away from the phone all day.
    • to escape from someone who are chasing you.
      • They tried to get away from the police but thy weren't quick enough.
    • to have a holiday
      • We hope to get away for the couple of weeks around Christmas.
  6. Get Down
    • To cause someone to be depressed
      • This weather is getting me down.
      • Don'r let these problems get you down to much.
  7. Get down to
    • To reach the point of dealing with something.
    • to begin to work on something seriously. To give serious attention to something.
    • To finally start doing something, after you have been avoiding it or after something has prevented you from doing it.
      • Now, let's get down to business.
      • It's time I got down to some serious work.
  8. Get over
    • To recover from something or return to you usual state of health or happiness.
      • I thought he would never get over he illness.
      • It look her a long time to get over their separation.
      • He never got over the shock of losing his wife.
    • To overcome o deal with or gain control of something.
      • She can't get over her shyness.
  9. Can't get over
    • To be amazed or surprised by something.
      • I can't get over how much your kids have grown.


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