Friday, August 3, 2012

[Writing][Exercise] Bar Graph (cont)

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

* You should write at least 150 words.

* You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The answers were corrected at link

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Writing][Lesson]Task 1 - BAR GRAPH (cont) 17/7/12

BAR GRAPH (cont.)

Expressions of time

  1. Point of time: at, since, when, in, before, after, whereas = while, till, until, by, in the early 20th century (1900s), Early teens (11 -12 tuổi), Late teens (18,19 tuoi) = early twenties
  2. Duration: for, during the period of,, in(over) the period of, in the interval of..., between...and...,

    • 1900s = nineteen hundreds (British - IELTS)
    • 1900 pounds = nineteen hundred pounds
    • hundreds of N = many N

Useful expression
  • in comparison with, compared with
  • in contrast, on the contrary, contrarily
  • On the other hand
  • In other words
  • peak at, reach the peak of(đạt tới đỉnh)
  • similarly, likewise, also
  • approximately, nearly, merely, almost  >< over/beyond
  • under/below
  • just

Synonyms (used for the exercise below)

people = individual,citizen, resident, person, human beings, humans
consume = use, utilise, burn, absorb= physically take in a liquid
drive car, run

****Be careful: “colour”, “behaviour”, “honour”...must be utilised in place of “color”, “behavior”, “honor”...
Subway (AmE) = Underground (BrE)
Baggage (AmE) = luggage (BrE)

[Writing][Lesson] Task 1 - BAR GRAPH (13/7/12)


1. Introduction
This bar graph shows/represents/ demonstrates/illustrates/ indicates/depicts/displays/ points out/clarifies...

2. Body
Data comparison phrases

  • Comparative: (more)...than, twice/three much/many as, fewer/less...than
  • Superlative: the most
Words illustrating tendencies

  • propensity/trend/tendency/
  • growth/development/
  • increase/develop/jump/go up/grow/raise/rise/lift up /rocket /double /triple /advance /augment /amplify /soar /boost /level up/climb

  • expand/extend/enlarge/widen/broaden/stretch/spread
  • decline/decrease/go down/slump/sink/plunge/fall/drop/reduce/cut down/lessen/diminish/ level down/plummet
  • equal/keep on/level off/stay the same/remain (steady, stable)/plateau
  • dramatically/considerably/increasingly//significantly/greatly/extensively/substantially/ strongly/ firmly/suddenly
  • gradually/moderately/fairly/steadily/constantly
  • slightly/somewhat/marginally
  • difference/discrepancy/gap/disparity
Useful expressions

  • To be specific/ Specifically/ To be more detailed/Particularly/in particular(cụ thể là) Firstly/
  • Transitional words: moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, thus, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, after that, besides, more notably,finally, eventually, however, nevertheless, nonetheless.
  • To sum up, briefly, in conclusion, in a nutshell, in brief, in sum, all in all, all things considered...

  • Using FANBOYS = For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Using either slang or ambiguous words
  • Expressing your own opinion on the numbers
  • Listing all of the information given (if not necessary)
Successful keys

  • Short and simple
  • Clear format
  • Integrate information but not mess up ideas
  • Select features and words carefully

3. Conclusion
1 short sentence summarising what has been described. If it repeats the introduction, remember to paraphrase it by using synonyms or other syntaxes.

Further information on marking criteria:
IELTS task 1 writing requires candidates to fulfill these 4 big standards:

  • Task achievement: how well you have understood the diagram.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: how clear your summary is and how flexible you are in using linking as well as reference words.
  • Lexical resource: Vocabulary used and their spelling.
  • Grammatical range and Accuracy: whether a wide range of sentence types are used.

Hence, after the deadline, please observe at least 2 other pieces and post comments on such things following:

  • Task achievement: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Coherence and cohesion: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Lexical resource: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied
  • Grammatical range and Accuracy: Good/Ok/Fair/Unsatisfied

Now, tips for assessing other writings:

  • Skim all the sentences and then note the ones that you do not understand. => this will help us write understandable sentences.
  • Count synonyms, antonyms and structures used (if possible) => it enhances our ability in making an interesting posts without any repetition.
  • Most notably, after reading, are you really able to draw the diagram described? => if the answer is yes, that piece succeeds in the content.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

[Writing] Lesson 2 - Essay (giving opinions)

Essay: giving opinions
I. Introduction (avoid repeating what has been written in the question.)
1. General information on the topic.
2. Thesis statement.
3. How many reasons to support your idea?
“No pain, no gain”
“High risk, high return”
In my opinion/point of view/viewpoint/view/perspective/stance, I think, I strongly believe that

II. Body

Paragraph 1
1. Topic sentence:
2. Supporting ideas (2) - relevant to the topic sentence
3. Examples
4. Concluding sentence

First of all, firstly, first, first and foremost, To begin with, to start with, the first reason is...
Specifically, particularly....moreover, in addition...
For example, for instance, namely, to take as an example,....

Paragraph 2
1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting ideas
3. Examples
4. Concluding sentence

Second of all, secondly, second, the second (next) reason..., ….. holds no less importance, Besides, in addition
Finally, at last, last but not least, eventually, ultimately..(cuoi cung).

III. Conclusion (2-3 sentences)
Do not raise any other topics
In conclusion, in sum, to sum up, all things considered, all in all, briefly, in brief, shortly, in short, in a nutshell(tom lai la`), in summary, summarily...

Note: You should estimate time before writing the essay.
Ex: Time management
     - Planning: 5-10 mins
     - Introduction: 3 mins
     - Conclusion: 3 mins
     - Body: 20-25 mins
     - Check: 5 mins

[Reading]Unit 2 - Scanning for main ideas

1.The main aim of this charity:
2.Specific types of help they offer:

=> Answer:
1. help people affected by crime
2. free and confidential service, providing emotional  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

[Wrtting][Exercise] TASK 1- BAR GRAPH

Task 1 (Practice) (Remember to note how long you spent on this task at the end of your piece.)
The graph shows students’ results on geography subject at Huong Thuy High school .
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
* You should write at least 100 words.
* You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Students’ result on geography subject at Huong Thuy High school.

The bar graph indicates the outcome on geography exam of students at Huong Thuy High school in percentage. As can be easily seen, grade C surpassed others and the number of students got D mark accounted for the smallest one.
To be more detailed, the result of C grade was the biggest number, namely 33%. Besides, the second most popular letter grade was B, 29% in particular, which nearly doubled that of grade F. A and D scores took the least percentages of 12% and 10% respectively.
In sum, most of students gained the average mark (grade C) in the Geography test.
=================================12 mins==========100 words=============

This is the Student's’ result on geography subject at Huong Thuy high school.->[Should be changed :d]. The result was separated in 5 levels with 5 letters. They were A, B, C, D and F. Almost students gained the rade C. Especially, the rate of student gained grade F was higher the rate of students gained grade A.
To be more detailed, Students got letter C gained 33%. That was the highest rate. The second high rate was letter B, which accounted for 29%. Being ranked at the third position was letter F, which accounted for 16%. This rate was higher the rate of letter A with 12%. And the last one was letter D. That was smallest rate with 10%.

=================30 mins (ko biet co du 100 words ko :D)====(119 words)=========

=====================Ngoc Vo=========================================
This bar chart clearly presents student’s result on Geography at Huong Thuy high school.->[Should be changed :d]
In general, the percentage of students who get C mark is largest: about 33%, whereas the D mark only accounts for 10%. The gap between C grade and D grade is approximately 20%. Moreover, the A grade is 4% smaller than the F grade , in particular, the A grade stands at 12% and the F grade is about 16%. It is easy to see that the B grade is the second highest mark in this bar chart, which displays about 29%.
In sum, there is a little distance among these grades in this chart.
=========================25 mins ( ac ac) ===========(110 words)=======

[Kachusa] This one seems be good. I have no comment. ^^.
This bar graph shows the mark of students on geography at Huong Thuy high school in percentage.There are 5 degrees of grade which represent 5 letter(s) A, B,C,D,F.
 To be more detailed ,the percentage of  students who get C grade is the highest one, namely 33%. The second high rate is B grade which  accounts for 29%. The A and F grade are 12% ,16% respectively. 10% is the percentage of students who get D grade, which calculates the least percentage.  
To sum up, almost students advance the C grade in the Geography test.  
==========================30mins(93 words)=============================

     This bar graph shows the student’s result on geography at Huong Thuy high school. In general, we can see some differences among students’ result.-> This sentence is not necessary.
According to the bar graph, we can see the letter D is the lowest one. It is only 10% of all. While letter C is the highest, it is 33%. Letter B's result accounts for the lower percentage in comparison with letter C's, namely 29% for grade B and 33% for grade C. Additionally, letter A is 12%, and letter F is 16 %.

this gives us a glimpse of the results of the students on geography.
========= mọi người góp ý cho em phần kết=====(90 words)====14 mins============