Tuesday, November 5, 2013

[Business Email] Cause, effect, contrast

Write an email to colleague or business contact describing the cause and effect of some changes in your business.

  1. An email to business contact, a colleague or your line manager explaining the reasons for some changes in your business. Ideas: Changes in the market; changes in your product range; changes in the economic or social context; Changes in your Organisation.
  2. An Email that follows up the one you wrote for unit 22, adding some reasons and results.
  3. An email to a colleague in another department using the information below:
(Cause -> Effect, Effect <- Cause)
  • New markets in central Europe -> increase in sales
  • This increase in sale <- new offices in Warsaw and Budapest
  • Poland particularly strong market <- We bought a local company there 3 years ago.
  • Advertising campaign -> greater brand awareness
  • Need improve distribution channels -> negotiate with a supermarket chain
  • Petra should be responsible for this negotiation <- her good local knowledge



  • Need improve distribution channels -> negotiate with a supermarket chain

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